| 1. | A colourful life of a director of academic library 回眸我的图书馆工作 |
| 2. | The reform and open policy has brought us chinese people a rich and colourful life 改革开放的政策给我们中国人民带来了富裕和多彩的生活。 |
| 3. | If the rainbow symbolizes a colourful life , it is white that makes the variety of colours glow 若说彩虹代表了多姿的人生,那么白色就把各种色彩衬托得更为缤纷了。 |
| 4. | If you have a good friend , you ' ll feel the colourful life and i must say , “ what a lucky dog you are 如果你有一个好朋友,你会感觉到多彩的生活,我不得不说, “你真是一个幸运儿! ” |
| 5. | Thanks to the support and patience of our leaders we have been given many deep insights into the amway business , and we are now able to lead more colourful lives 感激领导人的支持、鼓励和耐心带领,让我们获得启发,能看得更远,更获得精彩人生。 |
| 6. | In the world of chinese , you can see not only a wonderful language and a unique writing system , but also a splendid culture , the change and development of chinese society , and the colourful life of the chinese people 在汉语的世界里,不仅有美妙的语言、独特的文字、灿烂的文化,还有当代中国社会的发展变化和中国人多姿多彩的生活。 |
| 7. | Seven samurai , 1963 6 21 ; there was a maelstrom of emotions and desires whirling around that woman , and the people and events related to her . li might have given an effective treatment of some emotions and moods , but he couldn t grasp the whole magnitude of such a colourful life 火光:武则天拉杂谈七侠四义, 1963 6 21围绕这个女人的人和事,有七情六欲之繁,李以处理某些情绪见效的手法,不见得能把握这个多姿多采的生命。 |